holistic non-invasive therapies

Hand reflexology client & therapist

holistic non-invasive therapies


There are written records of reflexology being practiced in Egypt, China and India about 4000 years ago. The earliest recording was found in the tomb of an Egyptian physician dating back to 2330 B. C. in which a person is shown holding another’s foot and hand while applying pressure to the soles and palms.

The feet are a perfect microcosm (mini map) of the entire body. All our organs, glands and body parts are represented in the same arrangement as in the body. By applying pressure through the thumbs and fingers to the reflex points located on all parts of the feet, all organs, glands and structures of the body can be stimulated and encouraged to heal. It can be considered as an internal massage of the body.

Ayurvedic Reflexology

Ayurveda (pronounced Ah-yoor-vay-da), Ayur is “life”, and Veda is “knowledge” Therefore, Ayurveda is the study of the Knowledge of life. It is the world’s oldest recorded healing system, with written records dating back roughly 5000 years. Ayurveda is a complete understanding of the relationship between the physical body, the mind, the emotional and spiritual being, and the whole universe. Ayurvedic philosophy sees disease as a warning that some negative patterns in our life need to change.

In Indian customs the feet are of utmost importance. Padabhyanga (Ayurvedic foot massage) has a very special place within Ayurvedic tradition. These techniques are quite diverse and differ significantly throughout India. They involve a mixture of various massage techniques, kasa bowl work and Marma Therapy (Marma Chikitsa). Padabhyanga has a unique connection with the Veda dosha and the nervous system. Padabhyanga is very invigorating, as well as balancing and calming.

Some benefits include:
  • Helps calm the mind
  • Encourages quality sleep
  • Helps maintain eyesight and hearing
  • Helps prevent sciatica
  • Boosts foot health (alleviates pain, improves muscle tone and strength, and nourishes the skin)
  • Promotes blood circulation in the feet and legs

The kasa (Kansa, kase) bowl is customarily used for massaging the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Metals are widely used in Ayurveda treatments. The metals that are generally used in the bronze kasa bowl are copper and tin. The bowl helps to balance the Ayuverdic bioenergetic principles of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Balancing these specific energies supports homeostasis and helps the body to function better. The rounded surface of the well-oiled bowl is rubbed on the skin with circular and stroking movements. The action of the kasa bowl is extremely relaxing, and it adds an extra dimension to the Ayurvedic Reflexology procedure.

Holonomic Reflexology

This method goes beyond classic Reflexology. Holonomic Reflexology concentrates on the vital energy that is the template for life itself. It addresses the deeper, unseen aspects of the mind and soul and their related patterns of energy. Working corresponding reflex areas on the body as well as the feet, one is able to restore health.

Some benefits include:
  • Deep relaxation
  • Relieves stress, tension and anxiety
  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Promotes natural healing of the body


A deeply relaxing and gentle approach of transmitting “Universal Energy” from the hands of the giver to the body (the receiver) for the purpose of healing on all levels. A laying of hands that helps to release blockages and restore balance.

Some benefits include:
  • Relieves stress, tension and anxiety
  • Deep relaxation
  • Improves sleep
  • Centering
  • Clearing
  • Promotes natural healing of the body

Chair Massage

The kata, or choreography, of this massage is based on a Japanese massage technique known as Amma, which is about 5,000 years old. In the last century, Amma was established as a profession for the blind. The technique involves manipulation of specific points on the body which correspond to meridian lines – pathways through which energy flows throughout the body. Working these points stimulates the nervous system as well as the circulatory system, therefore allowing energy to flow freely throughout the bodyThe result is tension relief and homeostasis.

This 15 to 30-minute chair massage can be applied alone or combined with other modalities to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Some benefits include:
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Releases tension
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Helps improve sleep
  • Helps reinforce the immune system
  • Induces a state of wellbeing
  • Soothes painful joints
  • Sharpens mental acuity & concentration, enhancing productivity at work
  • Patrizia
    Posted at 22:29h, 05 November

    Giovanna is truly gifted! Her hands are little miracle workers. I cannot thank her enough for all the amazing reflexology treatments that ALWAYS leave me feeling lighter, happier and deeply relaxed.

  • Joie
    Posted at 20:48h, 04 August

    I have a question about chair massage. I took a massage course and was unable to complete it. Short 3 month of 2 years. Is a RCRT taking this course Certified? What is the guidelines for us to do chair massage as a Reflexology Therapist and it being covered under Massage. I learned Chair Massage as part of a 2 year Certified Massage Therapy Course. Also, I was wondering as an instructor, what is the policy if any of Massage Therapists learning foot massage and calling it Reflexology? I know, as we are not regulated that this is going to be a big crossover. Just curious and I think this should be part of more conversations.
    Thank you in advance. Checking into your other courses 😀