Jump Start Your Spring!

Jump Start Your Spring!

Welcome back to this month’s edition of “Ask Giovanna” featuring Wendy Reichental a fellow colleague and freelance writer. 

WR: Giovanna, this has been another long difficult year and I feel like my body is encased in cobwebs figuratively and literally. I know that spring is here and a natural shift and adjustment takes place with more daylight hours but is it possible to jump-start our mind, body, and soul/soles and get ourselves ready for this transition?

GD:  You are right we are all feeling the effects of coming out of this dark winter-weary hibernation. The good news is that the spring season is an opportunity to shift our mental gears and drive home a renewed sense of hope, rejuvenation and optimism.  The spring equinox is a time where the light and the dark in the world are in balance. The spring season is a time of rebirth for all life and regeneration, and what better time to renew your pledge to nourish your physical wellbeing. In ancient times, the spring equinox would signify a time of cleansing out old energy, and perhaps that is where the ritual of “spring cleaning” came from.

WR:  I love the idea of an external and internal cleansing. What are some practical suggestions for incorporating these?

GD: Well, my preference will always be with anything that gets me outside.  Spring is mother nature’s way of waking up the earth and as much as possible we need to embrace the outdoors, whether that’s taking a walk, hike, or simply working in our yards gardening. The key thing is to keep  moving and if only for a few minutes try every day to soak up some Vitamin D and enjoy the warmer temperatures and sunlight.  Take notice of the returning blue jays and cardinals and delight in their different melodic calling sounds.

WR:  I love the notion that spring is mother nature’s way of saying “wake up” as during this pandemic a lot of people are sadly facing numerous wake-up calls, be it spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise.  For those of us needing a push in the direction of fresh starts what else can we do to facilitate this process?

GD:  It’s never too late to execute a fresh start and start over. What I do find helpful is to take stock of things you have accumulated at home that you no longer need or use and donate them.  Spring is an opportunity to open up those windows and give your home a once-over cleaning and do some Marie Kondo purging. I follow the 20 to 30 minutes rule of decluttering, by tackling either one room at a time or one part of a room so you can see your progress and not feel overwhelmed. In addition to this, sprucing up or implementing even minor changes to your physical environment, i.e. moving furniture around, buying new curtains, pillows, or a plant, etc. can greatly improve your mental space. There’s a psychological element to cleaning and purging that’s akin to letting go of regrets or worrisome thoughts, you can imagine that you are also putting those jeopardizing emotions to the curb.  If you are open to a new beginning, or a new mindset, there’s no telling what new opportunities could lie within reach. Psychology experts say: When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.

WR: That kind of reminds me of the Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams and “If you build it, he will come”. Creating this new energy inside yourself requires that you rewire your brain and see things from a more positive perspective. It involves looking at situations through a new lens.  This process isn’t easy, and you need to really commit to it, for the only way to change is to be open to it, and give in to it wholeheartedly.  Mind, body, and soul are as intertwined as spring and hope.

Wouldn’t you agree that the practice of reflexology, which is performed to dissolve blockages and enable the free flow of energy, can also soothe mind, body, and soul/soles? Are there specific points on the foot you would work on that could support this notion of “cleansing” or promoting mental clarity and firing up and boosting energy?

GD: Absolutely, firstly, there is no denying the healing potential of spring, and the positive outcomes associated with hope.  This feeling of “hopefulness” is a necessary ingredient in getting us through challenging times, like the one we are now facing with this pandemic.  A reflexology session can also work to encourage optimal health.  As reflexology promotes good circulation in the body, there are usually improvements in the various eliminatory systems, and this is beneficial in helping to clear unwanted toxins from the body, resulting in a “cleansing” effect. While we work the whole foot and do not treat for any specific conditions, I would perhaps pay particular attention to some key reflex points, depending on the client’s needs.  For instance, in the case of feeling fatigued, I would work the adrenal glands.

The adrenals sit on top of the kidneys and like the liver have numerous functions. The adrenals promote normal metabolism by controlling energy levels, this is most prominent in organ changes in fight-or-flight reactions to stress. We work these glands for release of energy related to hormones. Overall, a full reflexology session will revitalize the whole body and therefore supply it with energy on all levels. In the same vein, when the body is feeling relaxed,and less stressed, mental alertness and clarity can be restored.



WR:  It’s really amazing how everything in the whole natural world and in our bodies relies on homeostasis, being in a state of balance. If one part of the body is not functioning well, other parts will suffer.  The human body is an amazingly complex machine, and in order to keep our bodies running efficiently, I guess a spring tune-up couldn’t hurt?

GD:  Exactly!  Nature is indeed a powerful teacher, whether we are shifting into spring or into winter, change is good and full of potential, whether that’s in committing to a new health regime, home or garden project, hobby, or simply booking a reflexology session to give yourself that tune-up -you just need to seize every opportunity to create your own version of a fresh start.  One of my favorite quotes is “Where flowers bloom so does hope.”  – Lady Bird Johnson

WR:  I couldn’t agree more and would only add “Where flowers and friendships bloom so does hope” now let’s grab those shades and hit the park!


To join in our conversation, reach out and let us know how you welcome spring?  What are some of the things you do to sweep off your cobwebs and rejoice in this season? 

Happy New Beginnings!

  • Bruce Harris
    Posted at 16:45h, 01 April

    Giovanna and Wendy another great article! Thank you.

  • Patrizia
    Posted at 11:46h, 18 June

    You’re right Giovanna! Clearing the clutter does clear the mind and it also gives you the feeling that you’re “getting things done”. They key is, as you said ” tackling either one room at a time or one part of a room so you can see your progress and not feel overwhelmed”….wise words and so, so true!!